Special and Disability Assistance - IndiGo

IndiGo endeavors to ensure seamless and hassle-free experience of their Customers & requests all Customers with special disability & reduced mobility to check the following pre-requisites for their embarkation and other Safety Assistance:-

    1. Age:

      For safety reasons, children over the age of 3 (three) days and under the age of 2 (two) years, as on the date of travel of the onward and return journey (if any, under the same PNR), are considered ‘Infants’.In the event of a failure of a Customer to produce a valid proof of age for an Infant (which can also be by way of a digital copy of the document), the child shall be presumed not to be an Infant and full Tariff as applicable on the date of travel will be payable. In such case, the Customer with the child shall be allowed to travel subject to availability of seats in the flight. 

    2. Seating:

      No extra seats may be booked for Infants. Infants cannot travel in their own seat and must be seated in an adult’s lap. 

      The limitation on number of Infants that may travel in an aircraft is subject to the (i) availability of oxygen masks in an aircraft, and (ii) availability of sufficient life vests for Infants in case of flights with routes over water. Also, a Customer travelling with an Infant will be allocated a seat on the basis of the availability of sufficient oxygen masks in a particular row. 

      In case of the flights with routes only over land, maximum no. of infants allowed, (a) 19 Infants is permitted in an A320 and A321 aircraft, and (b) 17 Infants is permitted in ATRs. In case of flights with routes over water, carriage of a maximum of, (a) 12 Infants is permitted in A320 and A321 aircraft, and (b) 6 Infants is permitted in ATRs. 

      Therefore, a Customer travelling with an Infant will be allowed to make a Booking accordingly, on the basis of the number of Customers travelling with Infants who have existing Bookings for the same flight. 

    3. Number:

      A maximum of 1 (one) Infant per adult is allowed, subject to the safety and/or operational requirements of the aircraft.

    4. Fee:

      The fee as set forth here is applicable per Sector for travelling with an Infant. If such service is booked through IndiGo’s call centre, an additional amount as applicable will be charged. 

    5. Baggage allowance:

      Infants are permitted only a Hand Baggage allowance of a maximum weight of 7 (seven) kg.

  • Children between the age of 2 (two) and 5 (five) years, as on the date of travel must be accompanied by a companion aged 18 (eighteen) years or more, as on the date of travel.

    An Unaccompanied minor/Children’s journey under flying solo service

    IndiGo may, at its sole discretion, accept unaccompanied minor/ Children over the age of 5 (five) and below 18 (Eighteen), as on the date of travel,upon payment of applicable Fees per Sector as set forth here. If the Flying Solo Service is booked through IndiGo’s call centre, an additional amount as applicable will be charged.

    1. At departure

      An unaccompanied minor/ Children travelling under the Flying Solo Service should be at the airport at least 2 (two) hours prior to the scheduled departure. A parent or guardian is required to complete a signed form (click here to download the form) at the point of check-in, at the departure airport, prior to travel, which must include the name and contact numbers for a parent or guardian (above the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel), who will meet the unaccompanied minor /Child at the point of arrival.

      A valid photo identification document for both an unaccompanied minor/Child and the parent or guardian is required at the point of check-in. 

      A staff member will take an unaccompanied minor /Child to the aircraft, where he/she will be handed over to the cabin crew to be looked after. The parent or guardian must remain at the airport until the flight departs.

    2. On-board

      During the flight, our cabin crew will keep an eye on a unaccompanied minor/Child and will ensure that the unaccompanied minor/Child has what he or she needs. A complimentary snack and a non-alcoholic beverage is included in our flying solo program. In order to ensure that the unaccompanied minor/Child has a comfortable flight, the parent is requested to pack all necessary items including medication, warm clothing and a favourite toy or game in its Hand Baggage. In case the unaccompanied minor /Child has any allergies, IndiGo should be informed in advance through IndiGo’s Call Centre. 

    3. Transit/Transfer

      If Stopover at a transfer station is less than 6 (six) hours, and if the unaccompanied minor /Child is booked throughout on IndiGo’s flights then only we will be able to accept the unaccompanied minor/Child under flying solo services.

      However, if Stopover at transfer stations is more than 6 (six) hours or involves a night halt we shall not be able to accept an unaccompanied minor /Child under flying solo services. In such cases, the minor /Child must be accompanied by someone who is above the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel.

    4. Upon arrival

      When the flight arrives, our ground staff will accompany and assist the unaccompanied minor /Child through the airport arrival process. We will only release the unaccompanied minor/Child to the care of the nominated adult, after checking their original photo identification, as per the details mentioned in the relevant form. The parent or guardian should be at the arrival hall at least 30 (thirty) minutes prior to arrival of the flight, to receive the unaccompanied minor/ Child.

      Age of Child/minor Age of Child/minor

      Under 5 (five) years, as on the date of travel

      Flying solo is unavailable, the Child must travel with someone over the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel.

      5 (five) – 12 (twelve) years, as on the date of travel

      Flying solo can be booked.

      13 (thirteen) – 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel

      The minor can travel alone, or we would be happy to offer flying solo service.

  • We understand that pregnancy is not a medical condition unless there are known medical complications which can endanger the life of a mother or the unborn child. In order to safeguard the health and well-being of a mother and the unborn child, it is the paramount duty of expectant mothers to disclose true and correct facts about their pregnancy to IndiGo. However, the carriage of the expectant mother is subject to the following conditions:

    1. Expectant mothers with a single uncomplicated pregnancy, shall be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights till the end of 36 (thirty-six) weeks of pregnancy provided there are no prior complications. Expectant mothers are mandatorily required to carry the ‘Fit to Fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than 7 (seven) days prior to the actual date of travel, from the treating obstetrician if their pregnancy is between the 33rd (thirty-third) and the 36th (thirty-sixth) week.
    2. Expectant mothers of twins or triplets, with an uncomplicated pregnancy, shall be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights only up to the 32nd (thirty-second) week of pregnancy with a ‘Fit to Fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than 3 (three) days prior to the date of actual travel, from the treating obstetrician, only if the pregnancy is between the 28th (twenty-eighth) and the 32nd (thirty-second) week.
    3. Expectant mothers with a complicated pregnancy between the 28th (twenty-eighth) and 32nd (thirty-second) week of pregnancy shall not be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights, without a ‘Fit to Fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than three (3) days prior to the date of actual travel from their treating obstetricians. In addition to the above, a medical clearance may be required to be given by IndiGo’s assigned doctor in consultation with airport doctor, who will at his own discretion discuss the case, on an individual basis, with the Customer’s doctoror will check all the medical documents of the expectant mother, if the treating obstetrician is not contactable. It is only thereafter, on the basis of the expert medical opinion and advice of IndiGo’s Chief Medical Officer, that IndiGo will exercise its discretion to permit or not permit the expectant mother to travel on IndiGo’s flights. 
  • A safety assistant is any able-bodied person who assists the Customer with disability to exit the aircraft in case of an emergency evacuation, or to establish communication with cabin crew for the required safety briefing.

    1. Who can be a safety assistant:

      The safety assistant shall be physically and mentally able and willing to evacuate the disabled Customer with disability in case of an emergency.

    2. Seating of the Safety Assistant:

      The safety assistant will be seated next to the Customer, in order to assist in case of an emergency. If a safety assistant is accompanying several Customers with disability, the safety assistant will be seated in the same row as any of the Customers with disability. In case, seats are not available in the same row, then the safety assistant should be seated in the row immediately in front of or behind the Customer(s) with disability.

    3. Examples of the requirements of a safety assistant:
      1. Customers travelling in a stretcher - The safety assistant must be a medical/ paramedical escort. In selected cases, IndiGo may, at its discretion, permit a Customer to travel with a non-medical safety assistant at its sole discretion in accordance with the opinion of the medical expert appointed by IndiGo, who will provide his/her advice in consultation with the Customer’s doctor and upon perusal of the medical documents of the Customer.
      2. Customers with mental disability who are unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions, including the regulatory safety briefing and any other safety related instructions provided in the aircraft. 
      3. Customers with a mobility impairment so severe that the Customer is unable to physically assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in case of an emergency.
      4. Any other disability which IndiGo, in its sole discretion decides may affect the safety of the Customer while on-board an aircraft. 
    4. If a Customer is travelling without a safety assistant, IndiGo shall endeavour to the best of its ability to provide the below mentioned assistance:
      1. meet and assist service to the Customer to assist in boarding, deplaning, flight connections and check-in/ transfer/ reclaiming of checked-in bags;
      2. stowing their Hand Baggage;
      3. opening up the Customer’s on-board snack; and
      4. on-board individual safety briefings.

      However, IndiGo regrets its inability to assist the Customer with personal care including assisting the Customer by feeding him/her and/ accompanying them in the toilets before, after and during the flight or appointing one personnel IndiGo staff to accompany/assist the Customer for all the above mentioned assistance

    1. Prerequisite

      ACustomer or his/her representative shall intimate IndiGo regarding the type of assistance required by the Customer at the airport at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to departure.

      A Customer is required to travel with a safety assistant if the Customer needs help to do any one of the following:

      • Fastening and unfastening the seat belt;
      • Taking off and putting on a lifejacket;
      • Leaving the seat and getting oneself to an emergency exit (not necessarily by walking on two limbs); 
      • Putting on an oxygen mask; and
      • Establishing communication with crew regarding safety briefings and reacting to safety instructions.

      If such Customer is required to travel with a safety assistant, the Customer may purchase a ticket on his/ her flight from IndiGo at the same Tariff as paid by the Customer for the safety assistant, even if the Tariff has increased in the meantime. It may also be possible for another Customer on the flight to take the role of a safety assistant for emergency purposes, but this cannot be guaranteed by IndiGo.

    2. At the airport

      IndiGo recommends Customers with any sensory impairment to check-in early for a hassle-free flight experience. If a Customer declares independence in mobility within the airport and does not require any assistance, the Customer must be present at the designated boarding gate at the boarding time advised to him/ her by the staff.Since someairports are silent airports, there may not be any announcements regarding flights however, most airports are equipped with electronic flight display. IndiGo staff may always be contacted for any assistance required by the Customer. The Customer is welcome to board the aircraft at leisure within the prescribed time limits for boarding however, upon requesting the IndiGo’s staff at the boarding gate, the Customer may be able to board the aircraft first, with the assistance of the IndiGo’s staff.

    3. On-board

      Every IndiGo aircraft comes equipped with safety briefing cards printed in braille for Customers who have any visual impairment. Our cabin crew will read the snack menu options, identify food items, and assist with placement of the food package on the tray and the opening of the food package, upon request. Our cabin crew will not be able to provide any assistance in feeding such Customer. 

      Due to safety regulations, the Customer with any sensory impairment will not be allocated an Emergency Exit Seat.

    1. Service Dogs:

      IndiGo accepts service or guide dogs on all the IndiGo aircraft other than ATRs. 

    2. When to inform:

      Customers with a sensory impairment intending to travel with their guide dog, should make their Bookings via the IndiGo call centre by calling at 01246173838, and provide us an advance notice of at least 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to departure that a guide dog will be travelling with the Customer. As IndiGo does not allow more than 1 (one) guide dog in each aircraft, a Customer shall be permitted to travel with his/her guide dog if no similar request has been raised by any other Customer travelling on the same aircraft.

    3. Seating of the guide dog:

      A Customer with a guide dog will be seated in the first row on the window seat and the guide dog shall not occupy any seat. The guide dog will only be permitted on-board if it is properly trained, harnessed and vaccinated.

    4. Documentation Required:

      A Customer must produce complete and valid documentations including but not limited to identification cards to prove that the guide dog is a service animal and has all valid permissions including a confirmation that it is trained from an appropriate institution along with the certificate of vaccination of the guide dog.

    5. Hygiene/travel requirements of a guide dog:

      A Customer shall be fully responsible for their guide dog, and is required to bring a moisture absorbent mat on which the guide dog must be seated. Further, the guide dog should be properly trained, restrained, muzzled and vaccinated. A guide dog may be denied boarding or removed from the flight if IndiGo, at its sole discretion, determines that the guide dog cannot be contained by the Customer or otherwise exhibits behaviour that poses a threat to the health or safety of others on-board.

    1. IndiGo may provide a wheelchair as per Customer’s requirement. The Customer is required to inform IndiGo about his/her request for a wheelchair, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled time of departure so that IndiGo can make necessary arrangements. IndiGo cannot carry battery operated/ mobilised wheelchairs or any other bulky machinery and items on ATR. To ensure the service meets the Customer’s needs, IndiGo’s Booking team or the airport staff may ask the Customer some questions to determine the level of assistance the Customer requires.
    2. IndiGo’s wheelchair service is provided at no additional charge to the Customer. The wheelchair service includes assistance in transporting you within the airport area and to your designated seat on an aircraft (depending on the airport facilities). A designated attendant will not be assigned to your wheelchair. Therefore, it is imperative that you inform the counter during check –in, in case you need to be taken to the washroom or food court before being assisted till the boarding gate.
    3. Our team is trained and can assist if you are unable to transfer yourself from the wheelchair to the seat or from the seat to the wheelchair;
    4. Whilst IndiGo makes its best effort to help Customers to reach in time for their onward flight, Customers are requested to be aware that there might be a delay in assisting them during busy periods. IndiGo shall not be liable to Customers, who miss their onward flights in case of any such delay. We would always advise Customers to factor in such delays while making their travel plans.
    5. There might be unpredictable circumstances such as weather or mechanical problems that may call for a last minute unavoidable changes, however IndiGo will make its best efforts to accommodate the needs of a Customer.
    6. Groups of 10 (ten) or more people requiring wheelchairs are required to contact IndiGo on 0124 6173838 at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled departure of their flight. On receipt of such a notice, IndiGo shall permit such number of Customers to board the aircraft, as may be determined by IndiGo in its sole discretion, on the basis of the availability of seats on which such Customers and their safety assistants (if required) can be seated. Customers may request for this service while making their Booking, and upon arrival at the airport they should notify one of our airport service agents about their wheelchair requirement (as provided under Clause 10.4 (b) of the Conditions of Carriage). Customers are required to notify IndiGo in relation to their requirement for a wheelchair by following the procedure prescribed by IndiGo (Click here to access). 
    7. Customers who have availed mobility assistance from IndiGo shall be solely responsible for adhering to the timelines provided for check-in and boarding a flight (which are governed by provisions relating to “Checking-in” and “Boarding” under Clause 9 of the Conditions of Carriage). 
    8. IndiGo does assist the Customers with reduced mobility with placement of food package on the tray and the opening of the food package, upon request. However, Customers are not provided with any assistance for personal care needs on-board, such as assistance in eating/drinking, administration of medications or assistance inside the lavatory. If assistance is required with any of these, we recommend a safety assistant.
    9. Customers using their own wheelchairs/crutches/ braces/other prosthetic devices:
      • Before travel:

        IndiGo staff is available to assist Customers to plan their travel over the phone in order to make Customers as comfortable as possible on IndiGo flight. 

      • If Customers wish to check-in their own wheelchair, IndiGo shall provide assistance with dismantling and reassembling the wheelchair under the supervision of the Customer. However, IndiGo shall not be liable for any damage arising while handling the wheelchair. Such checked-in wheelchair will be returned to the Customer at the destination airport.
      • In the event of loss or damage of the mobility aids or any other similar equipment which are placed into the Checked-in Baggage, IndiGo’s liability for such loss or damage shall not be more than the maximum liability provided under the Conditions of Carriage.
      • We recommend that suitable travel insurance is obtained by Customers for any equipment carried along by them in the aircraft.
      • Customers are allowed to use their own crutches, braces and other prosthetic devices up to the aircraft, and may board with such items as Hand Baggage, provided the Customers are dependent on them.
      • A Customer with a disability, may use their own manual powered wheelchair till the aircraft door or the mobile stairway attached to the aircraft (depending on the airport facilities) after which it will be stored in the aircraft’s hold area. Thereafter, the Customer will be transferred to IndiGo’s wheelchair and provided assistance in reaching his/her designated seat on the aircraft.
      • Unfortunately, wheelchairs powered by a wet-cell (spillable) battery shall not be accepted since these batteries have corrosive acids and are considered to be “dangerous goods’’ under applicable law. Further, wheelchairs powered by lithium or non-spillable batteries may only be carried as Checked-in Baggage. 
      • Electronic wheelchairs will be dismantled at our check-in counters and a Customer is required to seal the battery terminals to avoid damage to the battery. Thereafter, the Customer will be transferred to IndiGo’s wheelchair and provided assistance in reaching his/her designated seat on the aircraft.
      • At destination

        If a Customer’s wheelchair has been stowed in the hold area of an aircraft, IndiGo will make its best effort to return it to the Customer as close to the aircraft door as possible. If this is not possible, we will make sure that a wheelchair is available to assist the Customer to the Baggage reclaim area. We can arrange assistance between the gate and the arrival hall of an airport if a Customer would like this service. Depending on the airport, this will either be by an electric buggy, an airport wheelchair or an accessible bus.

      • Click here to access detailed instructions in relation to the carriage of wheelchairs powered by batteries on IndiGo’s flights.
  • Customers with psychiatric or emotional disorders shall always travel with a safety assistant. The safety assistant shall carry the original treating physician’s certificate along with a prescribed sedative medicine, which may be administered by the safety assistant, prior to the commencement of travel or as may be required on-board an aircraft. 

    Customers with autism, an intellectual disability, Dementia, Alzheimer's or Down syndrome:
    Customers with Autism, an intellectual disability, Dementia, Alzheimer's or Down syndrome need to book their flights as well as notify IndiGo about their requirements, if any, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled time of departure, by calling IndiGo’s call centre at 01246173838, so that IndiGo can make necessary arrangements. Assistance, upon request, from the time of entry into the airport till the aircraft seat shall be provided. Customers with autism, intellectual disability, dementia, Alzheimer’s or Down syndrome will be given time to settle in their respective seats before other Customers board the aircraft. IndiGo’s Customer service and cabin crew will provide assistance to such Customers as may be required, other than the assistance provided by a safety assistant. In addition, such Customers can also meet their family member at the gate upon arrival. The name of the person picking up the Customer must be communicated to IndiGo at the time of the check-in. 


  • If a Customer is travelling with an internal medical device, such as a pacemaker or a defibrillator, the Customer is required to inform IndiGo, while making a Booking, as well as inform the security personnel conducting the Customer’s screening at the airport before the said process begins.

  • POCs are permitted on-board IndiGo flights, subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions mentioned below. 

    Only POCs approved by the FAA can be taken as part of Hand Baggage. The POC can be taken either in the Checked-in Baggage or as part of Hand Baggage. The Customer will be solely responsible for packing, assembling, dismantling and facilitating administration of POC both on ground and on-board an aircraft. IndiGo will under no circumstances be liable or responsible for the same. 

    A request for carriage or use of the POC on-board should be made by a Customer to IndiGo at least 48 (forty-eight) hours in advance from the scheduled departure time. The POC should not cause any interference with the electrical, navigation or communication equipment on-board and the Customer carrying the POC on-board must comply with all security requirements and instructions communicated by the crew, from time to time. 

    Notwithstanding anything contained herein, IndiGo, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse carriage of the POC, if it is of the reasonable view and apprehension that the POC is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft or of any person.

    Further, a Customer shall not be required to pay any additional charges for carriage of POC provided the total weight of the Baggage of the Customer including the POC meets the permitted Baggage allowance. The Customer shall be required to make payment for excess Baggage if the weight of the Baggage including the POC exceeds the prescribed limits.

    If POC is to be carried as Checked-in Baggage:

    For safety reasons, the Customer must ensure that the POC, prior to check-in, is empty and free of pressure. Thus, if the POC was used before coming to the airport, then the Customer must reset the POC to avoid any residual oxygen in the equipment. The battery of the POC should be removed and the battery terminal should be protected with insulating tape and packed separately in a pouch. The battery may be carried by the Customer as Hand Baggage once the battery is secured in the manner prescribed herein. The carriage of such batteries will further be subject to applicable regulatory requirements including but not limited to those mentioned under the Aircraft (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules, 2003, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations and other applicable law.

    If POC is to be carried as Hand Baggage:

    Customers carrying orusing the POC on-board shall be only assigned a window seat. Such Customers will not be assigned any Emergency Exit Seats, middle seats or aisle seats. 

    In case a Customer carries a POC on-board, IndiGo reserves the right to change the seats of such Customers, if required. Such Customers must be capable of seeing, hearing and understanding the portable oxygen concentrator device warnings and should be in a position to take appropriate action, without assistance, in response to those warnings. During taxi, take-off and landing, the POC, if being used must be stowed under the seat in-front.

    Please contact the IndiGo call centre at 01246173838 or the airport operations team to clarify if your POC is permitted for carriage on IndiGo’s aircraft.

  • Customers who are ailing from any particular medical condition can travel on IndiGo flights after giving prior information regarding their medical condition, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to the scheduled departure of the flight, by filling in the medical form provided on the Website in order to ensure IndiGo is able to provide complete assistance to such Customer, if required. The Customer must also inform IndiGo regarding any hospitalization requirement upon arrival. In case the Customer is being accompanied by a safety assistant during his/her travel, then such safety assistant’s name and contact details must also be shared with IndiGo. IndiGo’s cabin crew are not authorized or responsible to give special assistance (not being qualified medical practitioners/doctors), as they are trained only in first aid. IndiGo’s crew is not permitted to administer any injection or to give any medication.

    1. IndiGo accepts request for carriage of Customers on stretchers on all IndiGo aircraft other than ATRs. IndiGo cannot carry battery operated/ mobilised or any other bulky machinery and items on ATRs. We will not be able to carry Customers on stretchers on connecting flights. To book a stretcher on an IndiGo flight, Customers are requested to call us at our call centre at 01246173838 at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled time of departure. Any clarifications in relation to availing a stretcher on an IndiGo aircraft may also be sought at our call centre.
    2. Customers are required to take a print of the IndiGo medical form available on the Website (click here to download). The form is required to be filled by Customer’s treating physician.
    3. Customers are required to share the travel details, along with the filled-in medical form on the email address shared by our call centre. IndiGo may at its discretion, permit a Customer to travel on a stretcher in accordance with advice received from IndiGo’s medical officer. Such advice will be provided after consultation with the Customer’s doctor and perusing all medical documents of the Customer. Such decision will be communicated to the Customer within twenty-four (24) hours of making such a request.
    4. Based on the medical report shared by a Customer, we may require an IndiGo medical representative to meet the Customer at the airport on the date of travel to determine the Customer’s medical fitness. IndiGo may deny boarding to the Customer, in its sole discretion, if the Customer is found to be unfit for travel by IndiGo’s qualified registered -medical practitioner/doctor..
    5. IndiGo may require a fresh medical form on the day of travel, for selected cases. We will provide the necessary information on the confirmation emails sent to Customers.
    6. The stretcher installation on board the IndiGo aircraft requires us to fold 6 (six) seats across three rows for the stretcher to fit securely against the fuselage and rear bulkhead. The other three adjoining aisle seats across the same rows provide access to the stretcher patient, hence the applicable charges will be for 9 (nine) seats at the prevailing fare plus a handling Fees set forth here.

      Our customer service and cabin crew team will provide all the assistance required other than the ones provided by a safety assistant.

IndiGo endeavors to ensure seamless and hassle-free experience of their Customers & requests all Customers with special disability & reduced mobility to check the following pre-requisites for their embarkation and other Safety Assistance:-

    1. All persons with a disability or reduced mobility shall notify IndiGo of their requirements, if any, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled time of departure of the flights booked by them so that IndiGo can make necessary arrangements to cater to any of the following requirements:
      1. assistance required while embarking and disembarking. IndiGo is required to be notified of the nature and level of assistance required by a Customer;
      2. mobility equipment and assistive devices that need to be carried by IndiGo, either as a Hand Baggage and/or as a Checked-in Baggage; or
      3. requirement of an escort or a safety assistant.

      IndiGo may provide the assistance as set out above to the Customers, at its discretion. IndiGo may also seek the opinion of medical practitioners and other experts appointed by IndiGo before providing any such assistance to the Customers.

    2. Special/disability assistance may be provided to the following types of Customers:
      1. Customers travelling with Infants
      2. Children availing the Flying Solo Service
      3. Pregnant women
      4. Safety assistants
      5. Customers with one or more sensory impairments such as visual, hearing or speech impairment
      6. Customers travelling with a service Dog
      7. Customers who require mobility Assistance
      8. Customers using wheelchairs, crutches, braces or other prosthetic devices
      9. Customers with psychiatric or emotional disorders
      10. Customers having autism or Intellectual Disability
      11. Customers fitted with internal devices
      12. Customer carrying portable oxygen concentrators (POC)
      13. Customers with certain adverse medical conditions
    3. Seating accommodation and aircraft accessibility for Customers with a disability/reduced mobility:
      1. IndiGo will allocate you a seat that is convenient and designated as accessible for persons with disabilities at no additional charge. These seats will remain blocked until as close to the scheduled time of departure as practicable. Our seats have movable armrests for easy accessibility to the seats. However, in order to meet the safety requirements set out in DGCA CAR - Section 3, Series M, Part I, Issue III, Customers with mobility issues which make it unsafe to facilitate aircraft evacuations will not be given a seat in a location where they would obstruct emergency exits, impede crew members in carrying on their duties or obstruct access to emergency equipment or hinder aircraft evacuation in case of an emergency. IndiGo reserves the right to change the seats of Customers, who do not meet the parameters, set out in Clause 7.3 in these Conditions of Carriage, in cases where such Customers have been allocated seats without the necessary information in relation to such Customer’s condition being provided to IndiGo by Customers. To allow us to provide the best assistance to all our Customers, please provide us with as much information as possible at the time of your Booking, to provide IndiGo and its staff with ample and sufficient time to make the necessary adjustments and arrangements that will aid us to serve you better.
      2. Lavatories:

        A lavatory with a single panel door and additional grab bar is available on all our aircraft. Our cabin crew can provide assistance moving to and from the lavatory door (same as above) but will not be able to assist the Customer inside the lavatory.

    • Age:

      For safety reasons, children over the age of 3 (three) days and under the age of 2 (two) years, as on the date of travel of the onward and return journey (if any under the same PNR), are considered ‘Infants’. In the event of a failure of a Customer to produce a valid proof of age for an Infant (which can also be by way of a digital copy of the document), the child shall be presumed not to be an Infant and full Tariff as applicable on the date of travel will be payable. In such case, the Customer with the child shall be allowed to travel subject to availability of seats in the flight.

    • Seating:

      Infants cannot travel in their own seat and must be seated in an adult’s lap.

      The limitation on number of Infants that may travel in an aircraft is subject to the (i) availability of oxygen masks in an aircraft, and (ii) availability of sufficient life vests for Infants in case of flights with routes over water. Also, a Customer travelling with an Infant will be allocated a seat on the basis of the availability of sufficient oxygen masks in a particular row.

      In case of the flights with routes only over land, carriage of a maximum of, (a) 19 (nineteen) Infants is permitted in A320 and A321 aircraft, and (b) 17 (seventeen) Infants is permitted in ATRs. In case of flights with routes over water, carriage of a maximum of, (a) 12 (twelve) Infants is permitted in A320 and A321 aircraft, and (b) 6 Infants is permitted in ATRs.

      Therefore, a Customer travelling with an Infant will be allowed to make a Booking accordingly, on the basis of the number of Customers travelling with Infants who have existing Bookings for the same flight.

    • Number:

      A maximum of 1 (one) Infant per adult is allowed, subject to the safety and/or operational requirements of the aircraft.

    • Fee:

      The fee as set forth here is applicable per Sector for travelling with an Infant. If such service is booked through IndiGo’s call centre, an additional amount of 10% (ten per cent) of the applicable charges will apply.

    • Baggage allowance:

      Infants are permitted only a Hand Baggage allowance of a maximum weight of 7 (seven) kg.

  • Children between the age of 2 (two) and 5 (five) years, as on the date of travel must be accompanied by a companion aged 18 (eighteen) years or more, as on the date of travel.

    A Child's journey under flying solo service

    Children between the age of 5 (five) and 12 (twelve) years, as on the date of travel must either be accompanied by a companion aged 18 (eighteen) years or more, as on the date of travel, or must book Flying Solo service. 

    IndiGo may, at its sole discretion, accept unaccompanied Children over the age of 5 (five) and below 12 (twelve), as on the date of travel, upon payment of applicable Fees per Sector as set forth here. If the Flying Solo Service is booked through IndiGo’s call centre, an additional amount of 10% (ten per cent) of the applicable charges will apply.

    • At departure

      A Child travelling under the Flying Solo Service should be at the airport at least 2 (two) hours prior to the scheduled departure. A parent or guardian is required to complete a signed form (click here to download the form) at the point of check-in, at the departure airport, prior to travel, which must include the name and contact numbers for a parent or guardian (above the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel), who will meet the unaccompanied Child at the point of arrival.

      A valid photo identification document for both an unaccompanied Child and the parent or guardian is required at the point of check-in.

      A staff member will take an unaccompanied Child to the aircraft, where he/she will be handed over to the cabin crew to be looked after. The parent or guardian must remain at the airport until the flight departs.

    • On-board

      During the flight, our cabin crew will keep an eye on a Child and will ensure that the Child has what he or she needs. A complimentary snack and a non-alcoholic beverage is included in our flying solo program. In order to ensure that the unaccompanied Child has a comfortable flight, the parent is requested to pack all necessary items including medication, warm clothing and a favourite toy or game in the Child’s Hand Baggage. In case the unaccompanied Child has any allergies, IndiGo should be informed in advance through IndiGo’s Call Centre.

    • Transit/Transfer

      If Stopover at a transfer station is less than 6 (six) hours, and if the unaccompanied Child is booked throughout on IndiGo’s flights, we shall be able to accept the unaccompanied Child under flying solo services.

      If Stopover at transfer stations is more than 6 (six) hours, involves a night halt or transfer to any other airline except IndiGo, we shall not be able to accept an unaccompanied Child under flying solo services. In such cases, the Child must be accompanied by someone who is above the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel.

    • Upon arrival

      When the flight arrives, our ground staff will accompany and assist the unaccompanied Child through the airport arrival process. We will only release the unaccompanied Child to the care of the nominated adult, after checking their original photo identification, as per the details mentioned in the relevant form. The parent or guardian should be at the arrival hall at least 30 (thirty) minutes prior to arrival of the flight, to receive the unaccompanied Child.

      Age of Child/minor Availing Flying Solo
      Under 5 (five) years, as on the date of travel Flying solo is unavailable, the Child must travel with someone over the age of 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel.
      5 (five) – 12 (twelve) years, as on the date of travel Flying solo can be booked.
      13 (thirteen) – 18 (eighteen) years, as on the date of travel The minor can travel alone, or we would be happy to offer flying solo service.
  • We understand that pregnancy is not a medical condition unless there are known medical complications which can endanger the life of a mother or the unborn child. In order to safeguard the health and well-being of a mother and the unborn child, it is the paramount duty of expectant mothers to disclose true and correct facts about their pregnancy to IndiGo. However, the carriage of the expectant mother is subject to the following conditions:

    1. Expectant mothers with a single uncomplicated pregnancy, shall be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights till the end of 36 (thirty-six) weeks of pregnancy provided there are no prior complications. Expectant mothers are mandatorily required to carry the ‘fit to fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than 7 (seven) days prior to the actual date of travel, from the treating obstetrician if their pregnancy is between the 33rd (thirty-third) and the 36th (thirty-sixth) week.
    2. Expectant mothers of twins or triplets, with an uncomplicated pregnancy, shall be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights only up to the 32nd (thirty-second) week of pregnancy with a ‘Fit to Fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than 3 (three) days prior to the date of actual travel, from the treating obstetrician, only if the pregnancy is between the 28th (twenty-eighth) and the 32nd (thirty-second) week.
    3. Expectant mothers with a complicated pregnancy between the 28th (twenty-eighth) and 32nd (thirty-second) week of pregnancy shall not be permitted to travel on IndiGo flights, without a ‘Fit to fly certificate’ (in original), dated not more than three (3) days prior to the date of actual travel from their treating obstetricians. In addition to the above, a medical clearance may be required to be given by IndiGo’s assigned doctor, who will at his own discretion discuss the case, on an individual basis, with the Customer’s doctor or will check all the medical documents of the expectant mother, if the treating obstetrician is not contactable. It is only thereafter, on the basis of the expert medical opinion and advice of IndiGo’s chief medical officer, that IndiGo will exercise its discretion to permit or not permit the expectant mother to travel on IndiGo’s flights.
  • A safety assistant is any able-bodied person who assists the Customer with disability to exit the aircraft in case of an emergency evacuation, or to establish communication with cabin crew for the required safety briefing.

    1. Who can be a safety assistant: 

      The safety assistant shall be physically and mentally able and willing to evacuate the disabled Customer with disability in case of an emergency.

    2. Seating of the Safety Assistant:

      The safety assistant will be seated next to the Customer, in order to assist in case of an emergency. If a safety assistant is accompanying several Customers with disability, the safety assistant will be seated in the same row as any of the Customers with disability. In case, seats are not available in the same row, then the safety assistant should be seated in the row immediately in front of or behind the Customer(s) with disability. 

    3. Examples of the requirements of a safety assistant:
      1. Customers travelling in a stretcher- The safety assistant must be a medical/ paramedical escort. In selected cases, IndiGo may, at its discretion, permit a Customer to travel with a non-medical safety assistant at its sole discretion in accordance with the opinion of the medical expert appointed by IndiGo, who will provide his/her advice in consultation with the Customer’s doctor and upon perusal of the medical documents of the Customer.
      2. Customers with mental disabilitywho are unable to comprehend or respond appropriately to safety instructions, including the regulatory safety briefing and any other safety related instructions provided in the aircraft.
      3. Customers with a mobility impairmentso severe that the Customer is unable to physically assist in his or her own evacuation of the aircraft in case of an emergency.
      4. Any other disability which IndiGo, in its sole discretion decides may affect the safety of the Customer while on-board an aircraft.
    1. Prerequisite

      A Customer or his/her representative shall intimate IndiGo regarding the type of assistance required by the Customer at the airport at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to departure.

      A Customer is required to travel with a safety assistant if the Customer needs help to do any one of the following:

      1. Fastening and unfastening the seat belt;
      2. Taking off and putting on a lifejacket;
      3. Leaving the seat and getting oneself to an emergency exit (not necessarily by walking on two limbs);
      4. Putting on an oxygen mask; and
      5. Establishing communication with crew regarding safety briefings and reacting to safety instructions.

      If such Customer is required to travel with a safety assistant, the Customer may purchase a ticket on his/ her flight from IndiGo at the same Tariff as paid by the Customer for the safety assistant, even if the Tariff has increased in the meantime. It may also be possible for another Customer on the flight to take the role of a safety assistant for emergency purposes, but this cannot be guaranteed by IndiGo.

    2. At the airport

      IndiGo recommends Customers with any sensory impairment to check-in early for their flight for a hassle-free experience (as stipulated in Clause 9.1 of the Conditions of Carriage). If a Customer declares independence in mobility within the airport and does not require any assistance, the Customer must be present at the designated boarding gate at the boarding time advised to him/ her by the staff. Since some airports are silent airports, there may not be any announcements regarding flights however, most airports are equipped with electronic flight display. IndiGo staff may always be contacted for any assistance required by the Customer. The Customer is welcome to board the aircraft at leisure within the prescribed time limits for boarding however, upon requesting the IndiGo’s staff at the boarding gate, the Customer may be able to board the aircraft first, with the assistance of the IndiGo’s staff. 

    3. On-board

      Every IndiGo aircraft comes equipped with safety briefing cards printed in braille for Customers who have any visual impairment. Our cabin crew will read the snack menu options, identify food items, and assist with placement of the food package on the tray and the opening of the food package, upon request. Our cabin crew will not be able to provide any assistance in feeding such Customer.

      Due to safety regulations, the Customer with any sensory impairment will not be allocated an Emergency Exit Seat, as stipulated in Clause 7.3 of the Conditions of Carriage.

  • IndiGo accepts service or guide dogs on all the IndiGo aircraft other than ATRs. A maximum of 1 (one) service or guide dog is permitted carriage in A320 and A321 aircraft.

    1. When to inform:

      Customers with a sensory impairment intending to travel with their guide dog, should make their Bookings via the IndiGo call centre by calling at 0124-4973838 or 01246173838, and provide us an advance notice of at least 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to departure that a guide dog will be travelling with the Customer. As IndiGo does not allow more than 1 (one) guide dog in each aircraft, a Customer shall be permitted to travel with his/her guide dog if no similar request has been raised by any other Customer travelling on the same aircraft.

    2. Seating of the guide dog:

      A Customer with a guide dog will be seated in the first row on the window seat and the guide dog shall not occupy any seat. The guide dog will only be permitted on-board if it is properly trained, harnessed and vaccinated.

    3. Documentation Required:

      A Customer must produce complete and valid documentations including but not limited to identification cards to prove that the guide dog is a service animal and has all valid permissions including a confirmation that it is trained from an appropriate institution along with the certificate of vaccination of the guide dog.

    4. Hygiene/travel requirements of a guide dog:

      A Customer shall be fully responsible for their guide dog, and is required to bring a moisture absorbent mat on which the guide dog must be seated. Further, the guide dog should be properly trained, restrained, muzzled and vaccinated. A guide dog may be denied boarding or removed from the flight if IndiGo, at its sole discretion, determines that the guide dog cannot be contained by the Customer or otherwise exhibits behaviour that poses a threat to the health or safety of others on-board.

      A meet and assist service can be provided, if assistance is required at departure or on arrival, on prior request.

    1. IndiGo would be more than happy to provide a wheelchair as per a Customer’s requirement. The Customer is required to inform IndiGo about his/her request for a wheelchair, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled time of departure so that IndiGo can make necessary arrangements. To ensure the service meets the Customer’s needs, IndiGo’s Booking team or the airport staff may ask the Customer some questions to determine the level of assistance the Customer requires.
    2. IndiGo’s wheelchair service is provided at no additional charge to the Customer. The wheelchair service includes assistance in transporting you within the airport area and to your designated seat on an aircraft (depending on the airport facilities). A designated attendant will not be assigned to your wheelchair. Therefore, it is imperative that you inform the counter during check in in case you need to be taken to the washroom or food court before being assisted till the boarding gate.
    3. Our team is trained and can assist if you are unable to transfer by yourself from the wheelchair to the seat or from the seat to the wheelchair;
    4. Whilst IndiGo makes its best effort to help Customers to reach in time for their onward flight, Customers are requested to be aware that there might be a delay in assisting them during busy periods. IndiGo shall not be liable to Customers, who miss their onward flights in case of any such delay. We would always advise Customers to factor in such delays while making their travel plans.
    5. There might be unpredictable circumstances such as weather or mechanical problems that may call for a last minute unavoidable changes, however IndiGo will make its best efforts to accommodate the needs of a Customer.
    6. Groups of 10 (ten) or more people requiring wheelchairs are required to contact IndiGo on 0124 6173838 or at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled departure of their flight. On receipt of such a notice, IndiGo shall permit such number of Customers to board the aircraft, as may be determined by IndiGo in its sole discretion, on the basis of the availability of seats on which such Customers and their safety assistants (if required) can be seated. Customers may request for this service while making their Booking, and upon arrival at the airport they should notify one of our airport service agents about their wheelchair requirement (as provided under Clause 9.4 (j) of the Conditions of Carriage). Customers are required to notify IndiGo in relation to their requirement for a wheelchair by following the procedure prescribed by IndiGo (Click here to access).
    7. Customers who have availed mobility assistance from IndiGo shall be solely responsible for adhering to the timelines provided for check-in and boarding a flight (which are governed by provisions relating to “Checking-in” and “Boarding” under Clause 8 of the Conditions of Carriage).
    8. IndiGo does assist the Customers with reduced mobility with placement of food package on the tray and the opening of the food package, upon request. However, Customers are not provided with any assistance for personal care needs on-board, such as assistance in eating/drinking, administration of medications or assistance inside the lavatory. If assistance is required with any of these, we recommend a safety assistant.
    9. Customers using their own wheelchairs/crutches/ braces/other prosthetic devices:
      1. Before travel:

        IndiGo staff is available to assist Customers to plan their travel over the phone in order to make Customers as comfortable as possible on IndiGo flight.

      2. If Customers wish to check-in their own wheelchair, IndiGo shall provide assistance with dismantling and reassembling the wheelchair under the supervision of the Customer. However, IndiGo shall not be liable for any damage arising while handling the wheelchair. Such checked-in wheelchair will be returned to the Customer at the destination airport.
      3. In the event of loss or damage of the mobility aids or any other similar equipment which are placed into the Checked-in Baggage, IndiGo’s liability for such loss or damage shall not be more than the maximum liability provided under the Conditions of Carriage.
      4. We recommend that suitable travel insurance is obtained by Customers for any equipment carried along by them in the aircraft.
      5. Customers are allowed to use their own crutches, braces and other prosthetic devices up to the aircraft, and may board with such items as Hand Baggage, provided the Customers are dependent on them.
      6. A Customer with a disability, may use their own manual powered wheelchair till the aircraft door or the mobile stairway attached to the aircraft (depending on the airport facilities) after which it will be stored in the aircraft’s hold area. Thereafter, the Customer will be transferred to IndiGo’s wheelchair and provided assistance in reaching his/her designated seat on the aircraft.
      7. Unfortunately, wheelchairs powered by a wet-cell (spillable) battery shall not be accepted since these batteries have corrosive acids and are considered to be “dangerous goods’’ under applicable law. Further, wheelchairs powered by lithium or non-spillable batteries may only be carried as Checked-in Baggage.
      8. Electronic wheelchairs will be dismantled at our check-in counters and a Customer is required to seal the battery terminals to avoid damage to the battery. Thereafter, the Customer will be transferred to IndiGo’s wheelchair and provided assistance in reaching his/her designated seat on the aircraft.
      9. At destination

        If a Customer’s wheelchair has been stowed in the hold area of an aircraft, IndiGo will make its best effort to return it to the Customer as close to the aircraft door as possible. If this is not possible, we will make sure that a wheelchair is available to assist the Customer to the Baggage reclaim area. We can arrange assistance between the gate and the arrival hall of an airport if a Customer would like this service. Depending on the airport, this will either be by an electric buggy, an airport wheelchair or an accessible bus.

      10. Please click here to access detailed instructions in relation to the carriage of wheelchairs powered by batteries on IndiGo’s flights.
  • On-board If a Customer is travelling without a safety assistant, IndiGo shall be happy to provide the below mentioned assistance:

    1. will be able to extend a meet and assist service to the Customer to assist in boarding, deplaning, flight connections and check-in/ transfer/ reclaiming of checked-in bags;
    2. stowing their Hand Baggage;
    3. opening up the Customer’s on-board snack; and
    4. on-board individual safety briefings if requested by the Customer.

    However, IndiGo regrets its inability to assist the Customer with personal care including assisting the Customer by feeding him/her and/ or accompanying them in the toilets before, after and during the flight.

  • Customers with psychiatric or emotional disorders shall always travel with a safety assistant. The safety assistant shall carry the original treating physician’s certificate along with a prescribed sedative medicine, which may be administered by the safety assistant, prior to the commencement of travel or as may be required on-board an aircraft.

  • Customers with autism, an intellectual disability, dementia, Alzheimer's or Down syndrome need to book their flights as well as notify IndiGo about their requirements, if any, at least forty-eight (48) hours before the scheduled time of departure, by calling IndiGo’s call centre at 0124-4973838 or 01246173838, so that IndiGo can make necessary arrangements. Assistance, upon request, from the time of entry into the airport till the aircraft seat shall be provided. Customers with autism, intellectual disability, dementia, Alzheimer’s or Down syndrome will be given time to settle in their respective seats before other Customers board the aircraft. IndiGo’s Customer service and cabin crew will provide assistance to such Customers as may be required, other than the assistance provided by a safety assistant. In addition, such Customers can also meet their family member at the gate upon arrival. The name of the person picking up the Customer must be communicated to IndiGo at the time of the check-in.

  • If a Customer is travelling with an internal medical device, such as a pacemaker or a defibrillator, the Customer is required to inform IndiGo, while making a Booking, as well as inform the security personnel conducting the Customer’s screening at the airport before the said process begins.

  • POCs are permitted on-board IndiGo flights, subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions mentioned below. Only POCs approved by the FAA can be taken as part of Hand Baggage. The POC can be taken either in the Checked-in Baggage or as part of Hand Baggage. The Customer will be solely responsible for packing, assembling, dismantling and facilitating administration of POC both on ground and on-board an aircraft. IndiGo will under no circumstances be liable or responsible for the same.

    A request for carriage or use of the POC on-board should be made by a Customer to IndiGo at least 48 (forty-eight) hours in advance, from the scheduled departure time. The POC should not cause any interference with the electrical, navigation or communication equipment on-board and the Customer carrying the POC on-board must comply with all security requirements and instructions communicated by the crew, from time to time.

    Notwithstanding anything contained herein, IndiGo, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to refuse carriage of the POC, if it is of the reasonable view and apprehension that the POC is likely to endanger the safety of the aircraft or of any person.

    Further, a Customer shall not be required to pay any additional charges for carriage of POC. The Customer shall be required to make payment for excess Baggage if the weight of the Baggage including the POC exceeds the prescribed limits.

    If POC is to be carried as Checked-in Baggage:

    For safety reasons, the Customer must ensure that the POC, prior to check-in, is empty and free of pressure. Thus, if the POC was used before coming to the airport, then the Customer must reset the POC to avoid any residual oxygen in the equipment. The battery of the POC should be removed and the battery terminal should be protected with insulating tape and packed separately in a pouch. The battery may be carried by the Customer as Hand Baggage once the battery is secured in the manner prescribed herein. The carriage of such batteries will further be subject to applicable regulatory requirements including but not limited to those mentioned under the Aircraft (Carriage of Dangerous Goods) Rules, 2003, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air, and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations and other applicable law.

    If POC is to be carried as Hand Baggage:

    Customers carrying or using the POC on-board shall be only assigned a window seat. Such Customers will not be assigned any Emergency Exit Seats, middle seats or aisle seats.

    In case a Customer carries a POC on-board, IndiGo reserves the right to change the seats of such Customers, if required. Such Customers must be capable of seeing, hearing and understanding the portable oxygen concentrator device warnings and should be in a position to take appropriate action, without assistance, in response to those warnings. During taxi, take-off and landing, the POC, if being used must be stowed under the seat in-front.

    Please contact the IndiGo call centre at 0124-4973838 or 01246173838 or the airport operations team to clarify if your POC is permitted for carriage on IndiGo’s aircraft.

  • Customers who are ailing from any particular medical condition can travel on IndiGo flights after giving prior information regarding their medical condition, at least 48 (forty-eight) hours prior to the scheduled departure of the flight, by filling in the medical form provided on the Website in order to ensure IndiGo is able to provide complete assistance to such Customer, if required. The Customer must also inform IndiGo regarding any hospitalization requirement upon arrival. In case the Customer is being accompanied by a safety assistant during his/her travel, then such safety assistant’s name and contact details must also be shared with IndiGo. IndiGo’s cabin crew are not authorized or responsible to give special assistance (not being qualified medical practitioners), as they are trained only in first aid. IndiGo’s crew is not permitted to administer any injection or to give any medication.

    1. IndiGo accepts request for carriage of Customers on stretchers on all the IndiGo aircraft other than ATRs. We will not be able to carry Customers on stretchers on connecting flights. To book a stretcher on an IndiGo flight, Customers are requested to call us at our call centre at 0124-4973838 or 01246173838 at least 48 (forty-eight) hours before the scheduled time of departure. Any clarifications in relation to availing a stretcher on an IndiGo aircraft may also be sought at our call centre.
    2. Customers are required to take a print of the IndiGo medical form available on the Website (click here to download). The form is required to be filled by Customer’s treating physician.
    3. Customers are required to share the travel details, along with the filled-in medical form on the email address shared by our call centre. IndiGo may at its discretion, permit a Customer to travel on a stretcher in accordance with advice received from IndiGo’s medical officer. Such advice will be provided after consultation with the Customer’s doctor and perusing all medical documents of the Customer. Such decision will be communicated to the Customer within 24 (twenty-four) hours of making such a request.
    4. Based on the medical report shared by a Customer, we may require an IndiGo medical representative to meet the Customer at the airport on the date of travel to determine the Customer’s medical fitness. IndiGo may deny boarding to the Customer, in its sole discretion, if the Customer is found to be unfit for travel by IndiGo’s medical representative.
    5. IndiGo may require a fresh medical form on the day of travel, for selected cases. We will provide the necessary information on the confirmation emails sent to Customers.
    6. The stretcher installation on board the IndiGo aircraft requires us to fold 6 (six) seats across three rows for the stretcher to fit securely against the fuselage and rear bulkhead. The other three adjoining aisle seats across the same rows provide access to the stretcher patient, hence the applicable charges will be for 9 (nine) seats at the prevailing fare plus a handling Fees set forth here.

      Our customer service and cabin crew team will provide all the assistance required other than the ones provided by a safety assistant.

2100+ Daily flights
85+ Domestic Destinations
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