6E Rewards Terms & Conditions

6E Rewards Program Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions govern the 6E Rewards Program with effect from February 2020 and apply to the relationship between you (being a Member,or prospective Member, of the 6E Rewards Program, and terms such as ‘you’ and ‘your/s’ shall be construed accordingly) and InterGlobe Aviation Limited (“us” / “IndiGo”), and are intended to protect both you and us. It is your responsibility to read and understand them before you start using the 6E Rewards membership. This contains important information about your rights and obligations, as well as limitations and exclusions that may apply. Some of the clauses may be related to other clauses, and therefore we recommend that no clause be read in isolation. 6E Rewards Program is the Loyalty Program owned and managed by IndiGo. Members earn 6E Rewards under this program as per the Terms and Conditions of the Program. Participation in the 6E Rewards Program through usage of Co-branded Cards or in any other form permitted by IndiGo, usage of your Co-branded Card at IndiGo or at any merchant will be considered as an acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions are effective as on the date of their publication and may be updated by us from time to time.

  1. Membership Agreement
    1. These Terms and Conditions govern the relationship between IndiGo and each individual Member of the 6E Rewards Program.
  2. Definitions

    The definitions given here relate to the terms mentioned in the 6E Rewards Program, unless the context states or requires otherwise:

    Applicant’ means any individual who applies for the 6E Rewards Program along with the Co-branded Card at IndiGo or IndiGo’s Bank Partner and their associated channels.

    Bonus 6E Rewards’ means certain bonus  6E Rewards earned by a Member for a Qualifying Transaction over and above the eligible 6E Rewards earned by the Member.

    Co-branded Card’ means a co-branded card issued by an IndiGo Bank Partner to a Member, representing the brand marks of both IndiGo and such IndiGo Bank Partner in, India, and is registered with the 6E Rewards Program as a Member.

    Membership’ means membership of the 6E Rewards Program.

    Membership Account’ or ‘6E Rewards Account’ means the account reflecting the record of a Member’s Membership, which can be accessed online (www.goindigo.in/6e-rewards.html), through the mobile application of IndiGo, or by calling the 6E Rewards service centre after identifying themselves to IndiGo’s satisfaction.

    Nominee’ means any person who has been nominated, in writing, by the Member as a nominee.

    For the purposes of this definition of ‘Nominee’, it is clarified that a Member can nominate up to a maximum of five (5) Nominees at any given point in time.

    Program Partner’ means a specific category of merchant who has entered into an arrangement with IndiGo in relation to the accrual of 6E Rewards or Bonus 6E Rewards, as the case may be, to a Member’s 6E Rewards Account, pursuant to transactions on the Co-branded Card.

    Qualifying Transaction’ means a transaction undertaken on a Co-branded Card by a Member that qualifies for the accrual of Bonus 6E Rewards, pursuant to IndiGo’s arrangement with a Program Partner, from time to time.

    Terms and Conditions’ means the terms and conditions that govern the 6E Rewards Program, as may be amended from time to time.

    6E Add-ons’ shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in Clause 12.4.

    6E Rewards’ means the points earned by the Member in his/her Membership Account for any transactions undertaken by the Member by using the products / services of IndiGo, its partners including Co-branded Cards or any other merchants.

    6E Rewards’ Benefit’ means,

    1. any IndiGo flight ticket procured by a Member; or
    2. any 6E Add-ons procured by a Member, in connection with an IndiGo flight; by redemption of 6E Rewards, fully or partially (as may be permissible), from such Member’s 6E Rewards Account.

    6E Rewards Program’ or ‘Program’ means the Rewards Program owned, managed, and operated by IndiGo offering benefits, facilities, or arrangements to Members by reason of their Membership in the Rewards Program.

    6E Rewards Service Centre’ means a customer service centre of IndiGo to service the requests and queries of Members, and Applicants in relation to the 6E Rewards Program.

  3. Membership

    3.1 Membership of the 6E Rewards Program is offered only to:

    1. Individuals  who hold a Co-branded Card; and/or
    2. Individuals who are a citizen of, and resides in, India, and above 18 years of age at the time of joining the 6E Rewards Program.

    3.2 Membership to 6E Rewards Program is offered at the discretion of IndiGo and IndiGo may refuse Membership to any Applicant. IndiGo reserves the right to cancel the Membership of a Member with prior intimation to a Member, and any unutilised 6E Rewards, valid beyond the date of such cancellation, shall stand forfeited or revoked.

    3.3 Membership commences as soon as a Member is allotted a 6E Rewards Account with a unique and verified email address, and mobile number recorded against the same. If there are Membership Accounts containing mobile number and email address present in another Membership Account then all such accounts will be suspended. Accrual and redemption of 6E Rewards will be possible only after all such accounts have a unique and verified email address, and mobile number.

  4. Enrolment

    On applying to join the 6E Rewards Program, the prospective Member is deemed to have accepted all the Terms and Conditions, with effect from commencement of the Membership.

    4.1 Via enrolment form:

    Applicants may apply to enroll for the 6E Rewards Program by filling the enrolment form (in physical form), by applying online at (www.goindigo.in/6e-rewards.html), at IndiGo Bank Partner’s website, or IndiGo’s mobile application. Membership, however, is not confirmed and 6E Rewards earned will not be honoured until the duly filled enrolment form has been accepted and processed by the IndiGo Bank Partner or IndiGo, as the case may be. Applicants may also apply to enroll for the 6E Rewards Program through the chat option (Dottie) on IndiGo’s website www.goindigo.in or the mobile application. Enrolment forms will not be processed and treated as valid unless completed correctly with all the mandatory fields filled in by a Member, and where the physical enrolment form has been filled in, such form should also be signed by the Member.

    4.2 Via tele-enrolment:

    Applicants may call the 6E Rewards Service Centre to initiate enrolment in the 6E Rewards Program. Following such a call, an Applicant will be required to access IndiGo’s website www.goindigo.in or IndiGo Bank Partner’s website and provide information as is required in order to complete the online enrolment process.

    4.3 Accuracy of Information:

    1. Applications will not be considered for enrolment if any of the details provided at the time of enrolment are found to be incorrect or false. An applicant must provide all the information mentioned in the Membership application form, and complete all the processes and procedures as required by IndiGo.
    2. The personal information provided by the Member in the application form or that the Member will provide as a Member:
      1. will be retained and used by 6E Rewards Program to ensure the efficient running of the Program, including the crediting of 6E Rewards, provision of Membership Account statements, and other benefits of the 6E Rewards Program;
      2. may be disclosed as required by law;
      3. may be used by 6E Rewards Program to send you communications about promotions, services, products, and facilities offered by 6E Rewards Program;
      4. may be disclosed to a Program Partner and/or a technology partner of the 6E Rewards Program to assist that Program Partner or technology partner in the planning and development of the 6E Rewards Program;
      5. may be used by Program Partners to send separate communications to the Member about services, products, and facilities offered by that Program Partner; and
      6. may otherwise be used in a manner which a Member may authorise from time to time.

    4.4 Updating Account Information

    1. It is the responsibility of the Member to advise the 6E Rewards Service Centre of any changes in his/her name, address, mobile number, or other particulars, in writing.
    2. Members may also update their address and other details directly online by logging in goindigo.in. Name changes, however, are not allowed. In exceptional cases, requests for changes in name or typographical errors in the name and other particulars of a person should be accompanied by supporting legal documentation, as may be specified at the time of making such a request for changes in name.
    3. Provided that a Member does not already have five designated Nominees, a Member may designate Nominees, in writing, under their Membership with the 6E Rewards Program in order to utilize the allowance of a maximum of five Nominees at any time during their Membership. If Nominees have been designated by a Member, a Member may change such Nominees only once in a period of one year, where such period commences from the date on which such Members’ Membership of the Program commenced, provided that where a Member has designated a Nominee in a particular year then any change to such Nominee may only be made in the following year.
  5. Obligations and Responsibilities of Members

    5.1 Members must not,

    1. act in any way which breaches these Terms and Conditions; or
    2. abuse or misuse the 6E Rewards Program, or any other Features accorded to the Member by virtue of such Membership, including by:
      1. engaging in illegal or fraudulent activities;
      2. supplying or attempting to supply false or misleading information, or making any misrepresentations to IndiGo or any of its Program Partners;
      3. misusing, selling, assigning, transferring or acquiring, or offering to misuse, sell, assign, transfer or acquire any 6E Rewards’ Benefit, Features, or 6E Rewards other than in accordance with these Terms and Conditions;
      4. acting in a hostile, abusive, or aggressive way towards IndiGo’s staff or any of its Program Partners’ staff;
      5. acting in an unruly manner on-board an IndiGo flight, or at any other Program Partners’ locations or in relation to their property;
      6. refusing to follow reasonable instructions from IndiGo’s staff;
      7. engaging in the sale, purchase or barter of 6E Rewards,  6E Rewards’ Benefits, or any service or product offered through the 6E Rewards Program; or
      8. misuse of 6E Rewards, of the Co-branded Card, or Program Benefits.

    5.2 Members are responsible for regularly checking their Membership Account and must notify IndiGo of any omissions, incorrect entries, or other discrepancies within sixty (60) days of the relevant transaction.

    5.3 Members should take all necessary steps to ensure that their 6E Rewards Account, details, password, and the transaction details of their 6E Rewards Account are kept confidential and secure, and should inform the 6E Rewards Service Centre immediately if they have any reason to believe that the same have become known to anyone else, or if their 6E Rewards Account is being, or is likely to be, used in an unauthorized manner, failing which Members agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under their account or password.

    5.4 The Member is solely responsible and liable for any accrual or redemption of 6E Rewards to or from his/her 6E Rewards Account. IndiGo or the Program Partners will not be responsible or liable for any such accrual or redemption carried out from a Member’s account in any circumstance whatsoever.

  6. Suspension and Termination of Membership

    6.1 If a Member has breached any of the Terms and Conditions, or misuses or abuses the Co-branded Card or the Features, then IndiGo may exercise any one or more of the following actions:

    1. terminate the Member’s Membership and/or the right of the Member to use the Co-branded Card upon a Member’s failure to cure such a breach of the Terms and Conditions to the satisfaction of IndiGo within a period of thirty (30) days from the date of being notified by IndiGo. During the aforesaid cure period, IndiGo may suspend the Member’s Membership and/or the Member’s right to use the Co-branded Card;
      1. upon termination of a Member’s Membership, forfeit the Member’s 6E Rewards or any part thereof; or
    2. forthwith cancel or refuse to honour any 6E Rewards’ Benefit or Features provided to the Member or both, and any 6E Rewards accrued or redeemed, or any payments made towards such redemption will be forfeited.

    6.2 IndiGo shall be at liberty to use any information and data made available to it in relation to any suspicious activity, misuse, or abuse of the Terms and Conditions by a Member. Further, IndiGo may initiate processes of suspension and termination of the Membership based on such information. IndiGo shall not be liable for the use of such information or data.

    6.3 Membership will terminate automatically on the notification of death of a Member by such Member’s Legal Heir on production of documents evidencing death of the Member. Upon termination of Membership, IndiGo will close the Member’s 6E Rewards Account and IndiGo will not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever suffered by any person as a result of such termination of Membership.

    6.4 IndiGo shall not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from termination or change of, or to the 6E Rewards Program or any of the facilities, Features or arrangements which are made available to Members, including, without limitation, Program Partners’ withdrawal or the withdrawal or limiting of any such services, Features or facilities, save and except Features redeemed but not utilized prior to such withdrawal. For example, a ticket booked on IndiGo as a 6E Rewards’ Benefit, but not utilized by a Member, prior to such withdrawal.

    6.5 Any transaction or activity undertaken by a Member which breaches the Terms and Conditions will be treated as null and void. Any payment made and 6E Rewards accrued or redeemed, as the case may be, to undertake such activities will be forfeited.

    6.6 IndiGo reserves the right to terminate the Membership of a Member by providing thirty (30) days’ notice. Any decision in relation to termination of Membership shall be final and binding on the Member.

    6.7 Selling or attempting to sell 6E Rewards or 6E Rewards’ Benefit is an illegal activity and will attract punitive action by IndiGo, including but not limited to termination of your Membership. In such an instance all 6E Rewards in your account will be forfeited. Further, IndiGo reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings, as it may deem fit, in the event it suspects (i) any Fraud by a Member; (ii) misuse of 6E Rewards by a Member; or (iii) breach of these Terms and Conditions by a Member.

  7. Audit and Disqualification

    7.1 IndiGo reserves the right to audit any Membership Account at any time, without notice to the Member, to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions, and where applicable IndiGo’s conditions of carriage (which applies to all passengers). In the event that the audit reveals discrepancies or violations, the processing of 6E Rewards and the accrual of 6E Rewards may be delayed until the discrepancies or violations are resolved.

    7.2 Members found to be in violation of the terms of clause 7.1 (mentioned above) may have their Membership Account suspended (e.g., 6E Rewards may not be redeemed from a suspended Membership Account) or may be subject to imposition of penalties by way of deduction or forfeiture of 6E Rewards from such Member’s Membership Account.

    7.3 IndiGo also reserves the right to disqualify any person from further participation in the 6E Rewards Program if, in IndiGo’s sole judgment, such Member has violated the Terms and Conditions or IndiGo’s conditions of carriage.

  8. Earning of 6E Rewards

    8.1 The 6E Rewards are credited to a Member’s Membership Account on a bi-monthly, monthly, or quarterly basis, subject to confirmation from the IndiGo Bank Partner or Program Partner, as the case may be.

    8.2 Members will earn 6E Rewards corresponding to the nature of transaction or activity undertaken on the Co-branded Card in accordance with the terms of the Co-branded Card or for any other product / services offered by IndiGo, merchants or partners. Provided that, where IndiGo is the merchant, Members will earn 6E Rewards only when the relevant flight has been completed (or as determined by IndiGo) and subject to deductions against refunds (in case of cancellation of 6E Rewards’ Benefits), if any. 6E Rewards will not be earned on the following transactions on the Co-branded Card:

    1. group bookings;
    2. bookings made under a corporate login;
    3. bookings made under an agent login;
    4. bookings made under a small and medium enterprise login;
    5. advance payments made to IndiGo pursuant to point (b) to (d), mentioned above.

    8.3 IndiGo shall have no liability for the acts or omissions of its Program Partners.

    8.4 In addition to 6E Rewards, a Member may earn Bonus 6E Rewards only on Qualifying Transactions. Accrual and redemption of Bonus 6E Rewards by Members will be subject to IndiGo’s and the participating Program Partners’ terms and conditions respectively.

  9. Calculation of 6E Rewards

    9.1 The 6E Rewards will be earned for all transactions undertaken by a Member on the Co-branded Card, as per the accrual structure for a merchant and as advised from time to time. Regardless of the currency of payment of a transaction paid for using the Co-branded Card, all accruals of 6E Rewards shall be based on the INR value of such payment (as calculated by the IndiGo Bank Partner).

    9.2 All 6E Rewards accumulated in the Membership Account are valid for redemption for a period of twenty four (24) months from the date of accrual and subject to the Member’s Co-branded Card remaining valid for such two year period. The expiry of 6E Rewards will take place on a “first in first out basis”. For example, 6E Rewards accrued in the month of February 2020 will expire in the month of January 2022.

    9.3 If a Member renews his/her Membership Account within ninety (90) days from the date of expiry of Membership (“Grace Period”), the 6E Rewards accrued prior to such expiry shall remain valid for redemption in terms of clause 9.2 (mentioned above), subject to the Members’ Co-branded Card being valid during such Grace Period. In the event that the Co-branded Card expires and is not renewed within the Grace Period, the Membership Account will terminate automatically and any 6E Rewards accrued prior to such termination shall be forfeited. Redemption of 6E Rewards will not be permitted during the Grace Period.

  10. Reporting of 6E Rewards and other account information

    10.1 Members can check their Membership Account statements by logging to their 6E Rewards Account online at www.goindigo.in/6e-rewards.html or through IndiGo’s mobile application. The summary indicates the 6E Rewards earned on the Co-branded Card transactions and from all other Program Partners of the 6E Rewards Program, if any.

    10.2 All discrepancies in the amount of 6E Rewards earned must be reported to the 6E Rewards Service Centre within sixty (60) days from credit of 6E Rewards in the account.

  11. Reporting of discrepancies

    11.1 Members are advised to retain original receipts for amounts spent on their Co-branded Card till such 6E Rewards appear in their 6E Rewards Account statement and report any omissions in their 6E Rewards Account to the 6E Rewards Service Centre via e-mail or online at www.goindigo.in.

  12. Redemption of 6E Rewards

    12.1 The 6E Rewards may be redeemed by a Member online or by logging to his/her Membership Account for a 6E Rewards’ Benefit of travel by the Member or a Member’s Nominee. Prior to any such redemption, it is necessary for Members to ensure that their Membership Account has completed the mobile number and email address verification process.

    12.2 The 6E Rewards redemption will carry a service or redemption fee, and applicable taxes in accordance with Government’s regulations. 6E Rewards can be redeemed only towards the base value of the flight ticket or add-ons / ancillary services and excludes redemptions for surcharges, taxes, levies, etc.

    12.3 Upon notice of death of a Member from such deceased Member’s Legal Heir, along with requisite documents evidencing death of such Member, IndiGo may permit such Legal Heir to redeem the 6E Rewards available in the deceased Member’s 6E Rewards Account for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of such notification to IndiGo. A failure by a Member’s Legal Heir to intimate IndiGo of the Member’s death within sixty (60) days from the demise of the Member shall lead to closure of the Membership Account and forfeiture of the 6E Rewards in such deceased Member’s Account.

    12.4 Procuring a ticket on an IndiGo flight by partial redemption of 6E Rewards and part payment (by using other modes of payment) is permitted. However, procuring add-on services, as are available on IndiGo’s website, from time to time, in relation to IndiGo flights (“6E Add-on”) as a 6E Rewards’ Benefit, shall be permitted only where a Member has adequate 6E Rewards to redeem the entire value of such 6E Add-on from his/her Membership Account.

  13. 6E Rewards’ Benefits

    13.1 The 6E Rewards’ Benefits will be issued only after the Member pays the applicable taxes including, without limitation, airport departure tax, customs fines, immigration fees, airport charges, customer user fees, surcharges, carrier charges, fees, or other incidental fees or taxes charged by any relevant authority or body in accordance with applicable law at the time of issuing the 6E Rewards’ Benefit.

    13.2 Members shall also be responsible for all other expenses or liabilities arising in relation to the use of a flight ticket procured as a 6E Rewards’ Benefit.

    13.3 Refund of taxes, surcharges, carrier charges, and fees need to be collected by a Member within sixty (60) days of the date of cancellation of the flight ticket procured as a 6E Rewards’ Benefit, akin to a revenue ticket purchased in relation to an IndiGo flight.

    13.4 The 6E Rewards may be redeemed for 6E Rewards’ Benefits on the IndiGo website on bookings made in INR only.

    13.5 The 6E Rewards’ Benefits are only valid for destinations served and services provided at the time the 6E Rewards’ Benefit is used by the Members.

    13.6 All 6E Rewards’ Benefits shall be subject to the conditions of carriage of IndiGo as available on www.goinidgo.in.

  14. Data Processing and Protection

    14.1 By becoming a Member, a Member consents to IndiGo creating, maintaining, and updating data that is personal to the Member. Such data includes Membership data (such as the Member’s (and where applicable his/her Legal Heir’s and Nominee’s) name, address, telephone number, date of birth, employer, seat preferences, etc., travel data (including, without limitation , flights taken and 6E Rewards accumulated)), and data concerning communication with IndiGo (including, without limitation, enquiries regarding Membership) and will be maintained and updated for the purpose of providing relevant information and services to the Member. Data will also include data received from Program Partners about 6E Rewards earned as a result of using services provided by Program Partners.

    14.2 IndiGo reserves the right to use security checks which may require Members to authenticate themselves in accordance with a three domain (3D) structure authentication to confirm their identity.

    14.3 IndiGo may disclose data relating to a Member to a third party who has been nominated by the Member, in writing on IndiGo’s website, in advance.

    14.4 Members are responsible for the security of their Membership Account, log-in ID and passwords, and shall ensure that their Membership details, user log-in ID and passwords are not disclosed by them whether intentionally or not, so as to allow a third party to access their 6E Rewards Account and to carry out any transaction/s. IndiGo will not be responsible for any loss of data or 6E Rewards due to information regarding a Member’s password, registered email, mobile number, electronic device, or any other physical or electronic form being known to third parties due to reasons beyond IndiGo’s control.

    14.5 IndiGo reserves the right to contact Members on their email address, mobile number, or landline phone number/s registered in their 6E Rewards Account, based on their consent given at the time of enrolment or updated later on www.goindigo.in. If a Member does not wish to receive these offers, he/she may request in writing to have his/her name removed from the relevant mailing lists by contacting the 6E Rewards Service Centre.

    14.6 As part of providing value-added services to Members, IndiGo, in collaboration with its Program Partners, reserves the right to send special offers/products to the Members based on a Member’s profile, as recorded in such Member’s 6E Rewards Account.

    14.7 Any and all information in a Member’s 6E Rewards Account may be disclosed as required by law, including disclosures to the police, immigration, and customs authorities.

  15. Change / Termination / Cancellation of the 6E Rewards Program

    15.1 Membership enrolment and eligibility, earning 6E Rewards, 6E Rewards’ Benefit travel, availability of 6E Rewards’ Benefits, and redemption are subject to the Terms and Conditions and subject to applicable law. IndiGo may change, add to, and/or modify, without giving notice, these Terms and Conditions, 6E Rewards Program as well as any Features and special offers under the 6E Rewards Program. This means that IndiGo may initiate changes, for instance impacting Program Partner affiliations, rules for earning 6E Rewards, rules for redemption of 6E Rewards for 6E Rewards’ Benefits, continued availability of 6E Rewards’ Benefits, blackout dates, or limiting the seats available for 6E Rewards’ Benefit travel to any or all destinations (including, but not limited to, allocating no seats for 6E Rewards’ Benefit travel on certain flights).

    15.2 IndiGo may terminate the 6E Rewards Program at any time, but will use its reasonable endeavors to intimate the Members. At the end of such termination of the Program, each Member acknowledges that his/her right to use the services, including the earning and redemption of 6E Rewards, will cease or be altered.

    15.3 Members may, at any time, cancel their Membership by providing written notice to IndiGo. The Member can redeem all his/her earned 6E Rewards forthwith until the effective date of such cancellation of Membership. Any such cancellation or termination does not relieve the Member of any continuing obligations under these Terms and Conditions.

    15.4 IndiGo may, at its own discretion, charge an annual maintenance fee to manage the 6E Rewards Program and its services.

  16. Limitation of Liability

    16.1 IndiGo and/or Program Partners shall not be liable to any Member, Member’s Legal Heir, Nominees for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the 6E Rewards Program and/or the provision or the refusal to provide any benefits, whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by the negligence or otherwise, and whether IndiGo and/or its Program Partners have any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.

    16.2 IndiGo shall not be liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, resulting from termination or change of, or to the 6E Rewards Program or any of the facilities, Features or arrangements which are made available to Members, including, without limitation, to Program Partners’ withdrawal, or the withdrawal or limiting of any such services, benefits or facilities.

    16.3 IndiGo will endeavour to ensure the availability of services provided by IndiGo and Program Partners but will not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by IndiGo and Program Partners to provide such services.

    16.4 Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that information contained in the Terms and Conditions, and in any publications and advertisements in connection with 6E Rewards Program is accurate, but IndiGo will not accept any liability with respect to any errors or omissions in any information, whether written or verbal.

  17. 6E Rewards Program Information

    17.1 The 6E Rewards Program information is available on www.goindigo.in.

    17.2 IndiGo regularly reviews and updates the information on its website. Despite its best endeavours, it is possible that some of the information could meanwhile have become outdated. IndiGo therefore cannot accept any responsibility for or guarantee that the information provided is up-to-date, correct, and complete.

    17.3 Any e-communication from IndiGo in relation to the 6E Rewards Program is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential information. If you have received the message in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the message from your system. Any unauthorized disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the message is strictly prohibited, and if done, will result in strict legal action. The message is not guaranteed to be complete or error free. No liability is assumed for any errors and/or omissions in the contents of such message. Reasonable precautions have been taken to ensure that such messages are virus-free. However, IndiGo does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of such message/s or attachments.

    17.4 Information and offers on products and services of Program Partners are being made available to you for your personal consumption. However, representations made in such offers by Program Partners are not necessarily endorsed by IndiGo and you are requested to verify all claims independently before availing of the offer.

  18. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    18.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of India. IndiGo and each Member submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian (New Delhi) courts to resolve any disputes that may arise in relation to the 6E Rewards Program.

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